about me

My name is Rebecca and this is my blog about my nail polish addiction.

I'm 22, I live in Canada, and I'm a certified nail technician.

I started this blog because I was tired of only getting to show my "masterpieces" to my friends and my family! So now I'm sharing it with everyone, and I am so happy that my blog has been so successful.

What else do I like besides nail polish? Blink-182, the Chicago Blackhawks, baking, crocheting, and other crafts.

The other thing worth mentioning is that I suffer from Crohn's Disease. I've been extremely sick over the last few years which has sometimes caused me to neglect my blog and that always makes me sad. But recently I started a new treatment which has been a miracle so far and I am hoping that it continues for a long, long time. I once had more details of my struggles here on this page but I've decided to take it down in a motion of positivity.
I have received several emails from other people also suffering from the same disease and it warms my heart to know so many other people understand what I am going through and take the time to send me well wishes.

I adore hearing from my readers, so please feel free to email me whenever.