Saturday, August 20, 2011

Orly - Bubbly Bombshell

Hey guys! I have a seriously awesome polish to show you today!

However - this polish is that typical pinky/purple shade that my camera hates. And I think everyone else's camera hates it too as almost every swatch I have ever seen of it is the wrong color entirely.

This is Orly's Bubbly Bombshell from the Pin Up Collection.

Upon seeing original swatches of this color, I wanted it, but didn't feel like I needed it.
My Sally's never got the collection so I never got the chance to see it in person, so I didn't care too much for it.
But then my Winners got a mini set. One look at the true color and I knew I needed it. But I needed full size.
That's where my girl Tara came in - she sent me this beauty :)

Showing off the new scarf I crocheted yesterday!
This is multi-sized glitter in a clear base, 3 coats for full coverage.

Now. My pictures aren't color accurate either but this one is close:

Strangest picture ever, but I tried really hard in all sorts of lighting conditions to get the right color.

I went googling for accurate swatches and I could only find one. From All Lacquered Up, of course. Click here to see her swatch of it. I'm holding my nails up to her nails and it looks dead on!

This polish shoes the true importance of color accurate photos! When I thought it was more purple, I didn't want it. But when I saw its true magenta loveliness, I needed it!

Now, if you've read this far, you must like my blog a lot, so I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...
Tomorrow or the day after, 50 people are going to instantly win something... And there might also be an awesome grand prize as well... Keep your eyes peeled!


  1. It's gorgeous! Even if the photos aren't colour accurate, it looks amazing :D

  2. OMG! Great polish! I just ordered a bunch of Orly polishes and I think I got this one!

  3. Yup....I love this one too!! I wore it the other day as an accent nail with Orly's Flirty. Super cute! I will have to post it soon! I seriously love this color!

  4. So pretty! I love seeing this one.

  5. It looks quite similar to Nubar Petunia Sparkle and they are both gorg. I'd also like to see your scarf if that's not too much to ask? the colour of it is absolutely fab =)

  6. This looks so pretty! I really want this one now!

  7. Oh pretty! And I'm intrigued, I always read your entire posts!

  8. Beautiful! I just wish glitters weren't such a PITA to remove!

  9. After this I might want, need it too! *Sigh* Pink glitter, who can resist, right? Very curious about the 50-people-winning-something-part!

  10. It's so beautiful! I have it, and I love it!

  11. Beautiful color! And I did read to the end and 50 poeple winning something!! oooo im so excited!!! :DDD

  12. I read to the end too, and I hope you are giving away one of these to me lol! It is a stunning polish, and deffo on 'the list' now :D

  13. your swatches do look accurate and have made me want this nail polish more loll, i've admired your blog from a distance so this is the first time i'm commenting loll, and ooh i'm intrigued by the 50 people loll! :)

  14. It's stunning! I'm wearing just one like that, but in turquoise color :D

    My blog♥mfashionfreak

  15. PURPLE GLITTTER!!!!!! Love this color

  16. oh maiii this look soo darnn gooodd
    loving this

  17. I've been getting into purple nail polishes lately, and this is gorgeous!

  18. Pink/purple glitters - I am in LOVE!

  19. love this glitter!! i dont know why i haven't bought it yet

  20. I want/ need this and here comes trouble. So pretty and shiny! :P

  21. mmmm that colour is delicious! Is the green one in ALU's blog accurate, too? Because that is beauttttiful.

  22. My Sallys never got this collection in either. I still want the entire set!

  23. @Sosa07ac - not too much to ask! i've got a bit of tweaking to do on it, but i'll include it in a post when it's finished :)

  24. Pretty! I want this one and the green one.

  25. I have this and love it also! The green glitter in this collection is gorgeous as well!

  26. my camera hates this color too! :(

  27. Oh.. my goodness! This is SO fabulous! Like you, I didn't need another purple/pink glitter.. but a MAGENTA glitter, you say?! That's a different story entirely! Thanks for letting me know about the color discrepancies! Great post, as always! ♥

  28. Love this polish, especially the colouring in the second pic & wow at 50 people to win something.

  29. beau-ti-ful!!!! sparkles are great :)

  30. love this colour, the last picture looks awesome!

    shel xx

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